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We help you render unto "Caesar" only what is required
so that you can render unto God all that He desires.

tax law +

Every year tax law changes affect nearly every taxpayer. Sometimes it is to the benefit of the taxpayer, and sometimes it is to the benefit of the government.

technology =

With our world becoming more and more tech driven, we have chosen to embrace the tech that helps us be the most effective in helping our minister clients.

one goal

Our heart and passion is to make sure ministers are served properly and that every “t” is crossed and every “i” is dotted. We want to be your source for minister tax preparation.


15 years of experience is all about you, the taxpayer who is also a minister. In our more than 15 years and over 600 minister tax returns we have seen times when either the employer (church), the minister themselves, or both were uninformed (or under informed) of how compensation affects a minister with regards to taxation. Ministers are employees but governed by SECA. Our knowledge of how this works is where we focus our education and efforts.

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:Core Values:

We are admonished by the Apostle Paul in Colossians 3:17 to "do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus...(ESV)" which includes living out our professional lives. We run this business as if Christ Jesus himself was the one that hired and employs us. The who, what, when, where, how and why of our business and the integrity we try to emulate preaches as much of a sermon as any pastor on Sunday morning.

:Core Focus:

We wholeheartedly believe in the Church and its ministry. We operate from the standpoint that we are all members of ONE BODY and that each of us have a role. Some He has called upon to be shepherds (pastors), some messengers, and others we are simply stewards and help "behind the scenes". We ALL work together, our purpose is to help make your church or ministry run more effectively by taking the burden of tax compliance off of your leaders.

:Why Us:

We understand that there are a number of companies that you could choose from. Some will do just as good of a job as we will, we admit that and we know we are not unique in our knowledge of tax law...even as it pertains to clergy. What sets us apart is our "bedside manor" which is not what we know, but why we do what we do. We serve our clients as if we were serving Jesus himself. We are in this for His glory...not for clicks, likes, and Show More...Google reviews that some have figured out how to turn into dollars for their pockets. What we do is ministry work and if one thing can be said of working in the ministry it would be that "the pay may not be great, but the retirement plan is out of this world". Our goal is serving Him who called us with the abilities He has given us. ...Show Less



tax law knowledge

It has been said that the Internal Revenue Code is over 30,000 pages long. We've even seen some sites that boast that the IRC is over 70,000 pages. Good news is...that number is exaggerated. In order to get to such a high number, the counters include all of the pages of the IRC that have been repealed. If you remove the pages that contained "repealed" code, then you have just over 4,000 pages of Internal Revenue Code. A quick Google search shows that only two novels (published in volumes) exceed that page count; one of them was written over 400 years ago. So needless to say, there are very few publications that can boast that many pages which explains why completely understanding and interpreting the tax code could be considered a very daunting tax. This is why most firms pick a few sections and focus their practice on those sections. Tracking changes to small sections while still being aware of changes that affect large numbers of people is how most tax firms operate. We are no different. We have chosen to specialize in tracking the changes in the IRC that deal specifically with how the compensation to a member of a clerical order (i.e. pastor, rabbi, priest, etc) is to be handled. Would it surprise you that there is a lot of misinformation out there?

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up-to-date technology

Technology is great...we admit that. But, with great tools comes an even greater responsibility. We are trusted with the security of sensitive data, and we take that trust very seriously. We do this while working with some of the newest platforms available to allow us to work even more efficiently. It can be said that finding the convergence of efficiency, security and accuracy is a sacred balancing act. A large number of our clients are a long distance away from our main offices. With the use of virtual meeting and e-signature platforms, we are able to work for just about anyone that lives just about anywhere. We also use a top-of-the-line secure file portal that helps us maintain the security required both by Federal and State laws as well as common sense when looking at the trends of how data breaches have occurred recently.

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one primary goal

Our primary goal is to make sure that you as a minister don't pay any more tax than you must. After all, who enjoys paying taxes, let alone paying EXTRA in tax? Paying extra in tax equates to giving the government an interest free loan of YOUR money. is built on a partnership with Budget Tax Solutions, Inc. The team at Budget Tax Solutions has more than 15 years' experience doing minister tax returns, and they do so with great passion and expertise. During that time, Budget Tax Solutions has prepared more than 600 minister tax returns. This partnership also provides hefty discounts off regular and fair market rates. Those discounts are part of this effort because we want to see the church and its mission succeed. One way the church can succeed is if its workers don't have to worry about the "government" burdening them because something was done incorrectly on their returns. I

f you would like to have more information, please click the "Get Started" link and fill out the contact form. One of our representatives will get in touch with you. We know that is the solution you have been looking for!.

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